PVE Battles

PVE battles are the primary way for players of Epic Ballad to step into the magical world, challenge themselves, and explore the unknown. Each battle is not only a test of the player's courage and wisdom but also a direct reflection of their strategic layout and combat skills. Players will face a variety of enemies with different forms and skills in diverse scenes such as Glacier City, Divine Wind Canyon, Crystal Energy Mine, and Labyrinth of Flame, from cute and clumsy monsters to quirky elites, and up to powerful BOSSes. Every battle represents a brand-new adventure.

Hero Selection and Formation Composition

The key to success lies in the careful selection of heroes and the strategic composition of the formation. Players must choose 5 heroes from their pool to form their combat formation, taking into account each hero's class attributes, such as the tank's high defense and health points, the mage's high spell damage, and the unique abilities of warriors, supports, archers, and assassins. Properly arranging heroes in the front, middle, and back lines is crucial to creating a balanced and powerful force on the battlefield.

Faction Counters and Bonuses

The game features a special mechanism - elemental counters and faction bonuses, demanding players to thoughtfully select heroes. Utilizing the elemental counter relationships where wind beats fire, fire beats water, water beats lightning, and lightning beats wind, along with gaining attack power and health bonuses by deploying 3 or more heroes from the same faction, players can maximize their team's combat potential.

Utilization of the Rage System

The Rage system in combat is a key element of PVE battles. Attacking and being hit accumulate Rage, and killing enemies grants additional Rage. This requires players to be adept at accumulating and utilizing Rage during combat, manually triggering their heroes' ultimate abilities in a timely manner to maximize damage output and battlefield control.

Exploration and Challenge

During exploration, players must not only challenge various enemies but also find and unlock treasure chests along the way. Defeating the boss at the end of a chapter yields richer rewards such as experience, star-up resources, hero fragments, and summoning tickets, all of which are crucial for enhancing hero strength and expanding the hero pool.

PVE battles provide the stage for players to write their own heroic legends in this magical world. Each victory is a testament to wisdom and courage, and each exploration is a conquest of the unknown world. In this journey filled with challenges and wonders, be ready to face the challenges, exhibit true courage and wisdom, and let us create our own legends in PVE battles together.

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