The Worldview of "Epic Ballad"

In the abyss of time, the gods forged a world of beauty and peace, a paradise bathed in light where all things and beings flourished under divine protection, thriving endlessly. Yet, beneath the surface, the seeds of greed, desire, envy, and hatred hidden in the hearts of beings sprouted subtly, giving birth to demons—evil entities that revel in destruction and slaughter. Like a plague of the night, they eroded this sacred world, casting a shadow of death and ruin across the land.

Finally, the bells of fate tolled, and a great war between gods and demons erupted, unleashing an unprecedented cataclysm. Led by the four main deities of fire, water, wind, and lightning, the gods engaged in a long and brutal struggle against the demon lords and their malevolent forces. The heavens and the earth were filled with wails and roars; centuries of warfare exacted a toll beyond imagination. Ultimately, the gods emerged victorious, albeit at the cost of all their divine power, but it was a pyrrhic victory—they lacked the strength to completely annihilate the demons and could only seal their leaders within a massive crystal. The descendants of the gods were tasked with guarding this fragile seal, preventing the resurgence of evil.

As time flowed on, millennia vanished in a blink. Civilizations rose anew across this world, forgetting the scars of war. Races and nations formed, each worshiping a main god and practicing corresponding divine powers. However, as the seal's strength waned, demonic forces began to leak quietly, spreading to every corner of the world. This evil not only spawned countless monsters but also possessed a terrifying ability to corrupt the minds of beings, transforming them into demonic slaves.

Now, the guardians of the seal are exerting their utmost efforts to reinforce it, but the clash of forces has twisted time and space, with unknown substances flowing in or out of the fissures. The shadow of demons looms over the world once again. Will they take over this land? Will new heroes emerge, like the ancient gods, to lead beings in resistance against the demonic invasion?

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